The Benefits of Aluminium Windows & Doors

Aluminium is one of the world’s most widely used construction materials and when exploring its wealth of benefits, it’s easy to see why. At once synonymous with both lightness and strength, aluminium is hugely popular among homeowners, architects, construction companies and designers. We at Alimatic AAS Ltd are a leading supplier, fabricator and installer of Aluminium Windows, Aluminium Doors, Aluminium Bifold Doors, Aluminium Curtain Walling and more. We design, manufacture and install both commercial and domestic aluminium systems throughout the UK.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of aluminium windows and doors for residential and commercial clients. We’ll look at the types of aluminium windows and doors available, the many benefits they deliver to UK properties and how Alimatic AAS Ltd can help you find the right aluminium windows and doors for you. For more information, get in touch with us today.

Understanding Aluminium Windows & Doors

What are aluminium windows and doors?

Aluminium windows and doors are crafted from high-quality aluminium to become modern applications for the home and in commercial settings. Aluminium windows and doors are favoured among many for their slim profiles which allow for larger glass areas that flood interiors with natural light. In addition, they boast a contemporary appearance, robust structural integrity, secure locking mechanisms and enhanced thermal efficiency.

We at Alimatic AAS Ltd are leaders in the supply, design, manufacture and installation of both commercial and domestic aluminium window and door systems throughout the UK. We offer tailored, high-performing aluminium window and door solutions to meet most architectural and client specifications. Clients include local authorities, building contractors, schools and residential clients. Our commitment to service has led to a steady growth with many major contractors now making Alimatic their first choice when confronted with any type of aluminium window or door installation. We take pride in being able to guarantee both a quality product and technical expertise to all of our customers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today if you’d like to work with us.

Types of Aluminium Windows & Doors

 The UK market offers a huge variety of aluminium windows and doors for property owners, so much so, it can be difficult to know which type is right for you. Fortunately, we at Alimatic AAS Ltd are a leading supplier, fabricator and installer of Aluminium Windows, Aluminium Doors, Aluminium Bifold Doors, Aluminium Curtain Walling and more. We offer many types of aluminium windows and doors for a range of applications. Our selection of aluminium windows and doors for residential and commercial clients includes…

Residential Aluminium Windows & Doors

  • Aluminium Bifolding Doors

If you are looking for outstanding quality bifolding door, manufactured using the latest CNC technology and designed at affordable prices then look no further. Whatever style or size of the property, our aluminium bifolding door system opens a world of possibilities and dramatically transforms your home. Our aluminium bifolding doors are made to measure and are available in a range of styles and opening configurations with a premium RAL powder-coated finish. Flood your property with light with our aluminium bifolding doors.

  • Aluminium Windows

Our range of aluminium windows offers a fantastic choice of exceptional quality windows providing an attractive slim and clean appearance to enhance any property. Due to the polyester powder-coated finish of the frames, which are available in a variety of RAL colours to compliment your home, we offer a 25-year colour guarantee. As with all our windows, our aluminium range comes with a comprehensive 10-year guarantee. For attractive, energy-efficient windows that require very little maintenance choose our aluminium range today.

  • Aluminium Sliding Doors

Our aluminium sliding patio doors bring the outside in with slim frames and their wide opening allows maximum light to flood into your room. They are built for strength and stability complete with slim line site lines maximising the glass. The sliding doors comprise a multipoint lock system, and they can be made up of 2, 3 or 4 panes. Our aluminium patio doors can be supplied with energy-efficient solar control double glazing which helps block UV rays and solar gain whilst retaining your valuable heat in the winter.

  • Aluminium Front Entrance Doors

The entrance door to any property is the main focal point of a building’s exterior. Our aluminium front residential doors bring many benefits, including aesthetics, security, functionality and performance. Aluminium entrance doors are stronger and more secure than uPVC, particularly because we use only premium-grade aluminium. Aluminium is also weather-resistant and unlike timber or uPVC, will not warp, corrode or flex. Aluminium is also a lightweight material meaning that doors are not too difficult to open and close.

Commercial Aluminium Windows & Doors

  • Commercial Aluminium Windows

Our range of commercial aluminium windows can be suited to any building application. Our commercial aluminium windows are available in a wide range of standard or non-standard RAL colours and finishes that comply with all relevant British standards. They deliver excellent thermal properties that surpass current Document L for thermal transmittance and achieve a window energy rating of A+ and low u-values. Our commercial aluminium windows are available in several styles including Top Hung, Pivot, Side Hung and Tilt & Turn.

  • Commercial Aluminium Doors

Our high-traffic aluminium commercial entrance doors provide the ideal solution for any commercial property, mixing professional-looking style with practical durability. All our aluminium doors come in various styles, sizes and RAL Colours making them suitable for all commercial buildings. Our commercial entrance doors are designed to be used with our Window system and Curtain Walling, allowing seamless integration of multiple systems within your projects.

  • Aluminium Shopfronts

We manufacture and install distinctive façade solutions for retail outlets and shopping centres. Our aluminium shop fronts deliver a range of benefits to your business including enhanced aesthetics, elevated security and improved energy efficiency. What’s more, we can also add automatic doors to your aluminium shop front for seamless entry. Options for automatic doors include single sliding, double sliding or swing doors. Automatic doors are perfect for all high street shops including retailers, banks and offices.

  • Aluminium Curtain Walling

Aluminium curtain walling successfully balances the aesthetic requirements of architects with the functional needs of contractors. With wide-ranging designs, the durable aluminium curtain wall frame can be in filled with glass, giving an elegant, consistent look while allowing natural light to flood into a building. Our full range of aluminium windows and doors can be integrated within the curtain walling for a fully integrated and seamless appearance and cohesive function.

For more information about any of our aluminium windows and doors, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Now that you know what aluminium windows and doors are and the types available, what are the benefits of aluminium windows and doors? Read on to find out more…

What are the benefits of aluminium windows and doors?

As leading designers and installers of bespoke aluminium windows and doors, we have seen our clients enjoy the benefits of our products first-hand. Here are some of the many benefits that you can enjoy when installing bespoke aluminium windows and doors…

  • Aesthetically Pleasing

Aesthetically, aluminium is an excellent choice. There are no unsightly welded joints that you get with uPVC, and unlike timber, aluminium will never rot and there is no need to repaint the frames year after year. You can choose from a huge selection of colours and finishes for complete customisation of your aluminium windows and doors.

  • Durability

Aluminium windows and doors are engineered to withstand the test of time. Aluminium is an intrinsically robust and durable material and is resistant to rust, corrosion, and warping. This ensures that our aluminium windows and doors maintain their pristine appearance for years to come, regardless of weather conditions and wear and tear.

  • Enhanced Security

Our aluminium windows and doors boast high-quality, robust security features including multi-locking points. What’s more, our aluminium shop fronts include double-glazed laminated glass, which provides additional security. These security features ensure peace of mind for both residential and commercial properties.

  • Energy Efficiency

Our aluminium windows and doors deliver outstanding thermal properties which enhances enhancing their energy efficiency. These features regulate indoor temperatures, reducing energy consumption and contributing to lower utility bills. This makes aluminium windows and doors a smart investment to make for the energy efficiency of your property.

  • Sleek, Slimline Appearance

Our aluminium windows and doors, particularly our aluminium bifolding doors, boast a sleek, streamlined appearance which allows you to save space and flood your property with natural light. You can choose from an extensive range of styles, colours, finishes, and fixtures for a modern finish to your aluminium windows and doors.

  • Low Maintenance

You can enjoy the convenience of low-maintenance windows and doors when you choose aluminium. Aluminium needs minimal maintenance and resists rust, corrosion, and warping over time. This means that your aluminium windows and doors will continue to look outstanding with minimal effort on your part.

  • Environmentally Friendly

Aluminium is 100% recyclable making it an environmentally friendly, sustainable choice for your windows and doors. With environmental concerns at the forefront of society, we take pride in delivering architectural solutions that contribute to the sustainability of our world and urge our clients to do the same.

  • Noise Reduction

Aluminium windows and doors are a fantastic option for those living in noisy, busy areas or for those who seek elevated privacy. The structural integrity of aluminium windows and doors contributes to effective and significant noise reduction, providing a quieter indoor environment for homes and properties.

  • Increased Property Value

With this blend of excellent benefits, it should come as no surprise that aluminium windows and doors can increase the resale value of your property. Whether your home or a commercial property, aluminium windows and doors are a smart investment to make for the future of your property.

As you can see, aluminium windows and doors feature a range of fantastic benefitPages. At Alimatic AAS Ltd, we work on a bespoke and full-service basis to ensure that we can fully meet your specific requirements, offering outstanding levels of customer service at every stage of your project. If you want to take advantage of these excellent benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Aluminium Windows & Doors

How much do aluminium windows and doors cost?

At Alimatic AAS Ltd, every project we work on is unique to each client. Therefore, the cost of bespoke aluminium windows and doors will vary. Get in touch with us today for a quote.

Can aluminium windows be customised to fit unique architectural designs?

Absolutely, we offer tailored, high-performing window and door solutions to meet most architectural and client specifications.

How often do aluminium windows and doors need maintenance?

Aluminium windows and doors are a low-maintenance option for your property and regular cleaning can easily preserve their function and appearance.

Are aluminium windows and doors energy-efficient?

Yes, aluminium windows and doors feature premium thermal properties which contribute to energy efficiency.

Is aluminium recyclable?

Yes, aluminium is highly recyclable, making it an environmentally sustainable choice.

Do aluminium windows provide noise reduction?

Yes, the structural integrity of aluminium contributes to effective noise reduction.

Can aluminium windows and doors be coloured?

Yes, our aluminium windows and doors are available in hundreds of RAL colours to compliment your property. Whether you’re a domestic or commercial client, we’ll have the right option for you.

How long does it take to install aluminium windows and doors?

The length of time aluminium window and door installation takes will vary depending on your requirements. We take care to minimise disruption throughout the process for your satisfaction.

Explore the world of aesthetics, durability, and functionality with Alimatic AAS Ltd’s Aluminium Windows and Doors. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today for a consultation and elevate your property to new heights with our premium aluminium windows and doors.









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  • Alimatic Windows & Doors