Alimatic is a leading supplier, fabricator and installer of Aluminium Windows, Aluminium Front Entrance Doors, Aluminium Commercial doors, Aluminium Bifold Doors, Aluminium Curtain Walling and Shopfronts Based in Braintree Essex. We design, manufacture and install both commercial and domestic glazing systems throughout the UK.
Beautiful Aluminium Windows and Doors in Braintree, Essex.
Our aluminium windows & doors in Braintree Essex
Come in a wide range of RAL colours and finishes making them ideal for your home or commercial building? Alimatics Braintree Essex Aluminium windows & doors have become a favourite amongst home owners, schools and contractors.
We also sell to the trade please contact us.
To find out more
Please click on one of the boxes below to lead you through to our beautiful range of Aluminium windows and doors.

You'll be buying direct from the manufacturer!
Alimatic manufacture in house all our aluminium products. Coming direct gives assurance of quality and better prices, as your cutting out the middle man.

Beautiful Aluminium Windows
Quality of product
All of our products excel across the board, offering outstanding levels of durability and strength to ensure they are a worthy any building of which they are fitted into. Our aluminium windows and doors offer excellent security, insulation keeping your property warm, style, while adding value.
Competitive Prices
Alimatic’s ranges allow us to offer both economy and bespoke options, ensuring that you can enhance your building without breaking the bank. Whatever your budget, we have an Aluminium Window and Door products to to suit your requirements.
Highly Trained workforce
All of our workforce are highly trained, hold CSCS cards and DBS enhanced checks as standard. Alimatic constantly invest in training to ensure handling your installation with efficiency and quality. From start of your project to completion.
Areas we cover
Braintree, Chelmsford, Colchester, Maldon, Southend, Witham, Brentwood, Clacton on sea, Dunmow, Billericay, Shenfield.
Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Stevenage, Hitchin, Bishop Stortford, Baldock and all surrounding villages.
Ipswich, Lowestoft, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Felixstowe, Newmarket